Procedure to raise a complaint to resolve your issue to hathway :-     

1. open your browser  search www.hathway.com then  click on SELF CARE  at the top of the page 

    select broadband option 

2.Enter your hathway account number or registered mobile number then click on GET OTP option you     will receive otp to your registered mobile number enter otp and click on login 

2.Click on SERVICE REQUEST  option on left menu bar 

       then can see two options on the page 1.TECHNICAL FAQ   2.BILLING FAQ
        in TECHNICAL FAQ you can chat with our support team  
 3.In  BILLING FAQ  select the option which you want to resolve   hathway service issues
4.Then click on RAISE A SERVICE REQUEST  option 

5.Then  click on   SUBMIT    option then you will receive service ID number to your registered  mobile number 

Your requested service id will be attened in 24 to 48 hours by hathway team
(NOTE:-you can check the status of the requested service ticket)

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